Panorama of San Bernardino

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


The thing I've been thinking about recently is how little power we have over what's happening in the world. Horrible things are happening. I feel like they can take over. The images and thoughts just keep running through my head.

Then, I listened to a podcast interview of Judas Priest's Rob Halford, a heavy metal god, and he talked about how he prays every day. He said it makes him feel peaceful. I agree. I love to pray. To lose myself in it. To focus on something other than all of this sadness in the world is a gift and it reminds me that all we have sometimes is our prayer and intention.

Intention is everything. How do you approach your day? How do you approach other people? Are you approaching life with love? Are you approaching others with love? 

How I approach my day makes all the difference. I often notice that my energy is a superpower, for good or for bad. Stephen King's novel "Carrie" shows the power negative energy carries and while exaggerated, it is too true in a metaphorical way. So I know I have to use my thoughts, energy and power for good. I have to. 

This morning, I'm just going to pray, meditate and approach today with kindness and with the intention to raise the vibration of the universe with my intentions to do so. This is the season of the witch after all. 

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