Panorama of San Bernardino

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


Do you remember the board game LIFE? My favorite board game was always Monopoly, but LIFE was a close second. It created a life on a board and you rolled the dice and played your way through school, work, marriage and family.

My life is not exactly as I planned. I did the school thing and work. I'm a responsible, paycheck earning adult. I have two dogs, a husband and a house. But no kids.

I just turned 49 and it's been years since I gave up the child dream. But, my infertility still irks me. I feel there's another world where my two kids are running around driving me crazy in the best way. Unfortunately for me, they're not in this world and there's a hole that can't be filled. Mind you, I try. 

I have a deputy public defender job, a podcast, performances, two books I'm working on and I'm getting my MFA in creative writing. I'm so busy that sometimes I can't keep it all straight. 

But life is short and I do want to live it. Pandemic or not, life goes on. The sun lifts up in the sky early morning and sets early evening. Time goes by fast the older you get. 

For me, my goal is to just love my life as it is. I have a lot. I'm lucky. Not in everything. But still, lucky.

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