Panorama of San Bernardino

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Romance stories

I love me a good romance. Anyone who knows me well knows that I am a sucker for a romance. In fact, I read hundreds of harlequin romance novels as a kid and it either sustained or ruined me for life depending on your perspective.

I have a poem that speaks to my view of romance. For me, it is "the ordinary rote routine" and I find beauty in banality. Having coffee with my husband every day at 6 am with Chewbacca at my feet is my favorite thing in my life. And while I still tend to do too much, and overextend myself, Covid times taught me to find joy in home. I love cuddling up in a blanket on a cold, rainy day like today, watching Hallmark movies and eating my husband's delicious culinary creations. 

So for me, like I said, romance is in the little things. It's seeing my husband across a casino and realizing how handsome I think he is even thirty years in. It's my husband saying I'm his favorite artist and creative. It's going to the grocery store together. And he is my favorite person. He drives me crazy yes. Those peccadillos that  make us human, they can sure get on one's nerves. It makes him bonkers that I crack my knuckles. It makes me irritated when he channel surfs for a half hour trying to find something to watch on television. 

But there's a symmetry and a synergy between us after all this time. He can tell what I'm thinking just by a glance. He knows when I'm off. Sometimes before I do. And he knows when I need him most. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is that don't underrate a good romance because it's what life is made of. It's what life is for. Love, love, love, a great band once repeated in a song, it's all we really need.

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