Panorama of San Bernardino

Saturday, July 20, 2024

What is going on?

 It's 7:15 am. The sun is shining through the blinds. Slats of light break through the window. I wonder if the birds are chirping. 

I feel at peace. I had a nice day off yesterday and decompressed and disconnected from work. 

Writing is my love. I know this now. I like being a public defender. I enjoy working with the clients, and helping them, but it's no longer how I define myself.

The art of narrative live storytelling is what I am interested in right now. I'm working on a piece which I'll perform without notes for a podcast I'll be on. It's challenging. To do it live without notes is terrifying so I'm glad it's recorded. 

But ultimately, I hope to get to the point where I can perform truthfully and organically without notes. I'm working the ideas out in my mind for a one woman show. It has to be something new. Yet also a mix of something old. Something borrowed. And always something blue. (Blue meaning sad, not blue meaning risqué.)

So that's what's going on. I'm still going to be doing my podcast, although less often. And I'm working on a YA novel. But this idea of a one woman show is something that is calling me. And I will answer the call.

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