Panorama of San Bernardino

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Beatles

I am listening to the Beatles while I drink my coffee before leaving for work. We saw a tribute band called The Fab 4 the other day and I danced the whole way through the concert. I sang along until I got hoarse. 

I've always been a John Lennon kind of gal. My twin sister loves Paul McCartney. I remember playing John's best of solo CD until it was wore out when I was in college at UCR. John's voice has always gotten me. It's soothing. It's inspiring.  His vocal cracks and wryness can make one weep, 

The Beatles song "I'm So Tired" has always been one of my favorites. It was written by John during a period of insomnia.  It especially resonates with me today. 

"I'm so tired, my mind is on the blink."

I am up, but so exhausted. Chewie had me up at 3 am coughing. I came downstairs and slept fitfully on the futon, wondering what the point of life is. 

Is it this rat race? The hamster wheel? Spinning. Going nowhere fast. Or is it about creating something that will last the ages? About making something that will resonate? About loving and living and listening to some fucking music that makes you tap your feet and smile? Maybe it's all about writing my ass off. Until the pen drops from sheer fatigue. Maybe that's it. 

Hell yeah it is.

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