Panorama of San Bernardino

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Time Time Time

Time. I feel like it's getting away from me.

It's as if time is moving so fast that I cannot catch it. Is this what they mean by life moving fast? I just did some research about time. They say that perception changes as you age, especially with repetition. A physicist recently hypothesized that with age, one's brain slows down in its processing and recording. It's as if we're all in our own Groundhog Day movie and our brain just lumps it all together.

The solution to this would seem to be change. My body is craving change. Something exciting and new as they used to sing in the Love Boat theme song. How do I get that? What do I need to change? 

My first thought would be to change my routine. Work has become routine like. Prep for my three days of court on my two office days. I like the routine of that however, and need to prep to maintain my courtroom demeanor. Last week, I had a funeral on Tuesday so was very stressed in court on Wednesday as I wasn't as over prepared as usual. So that won't change.

Maybe I need a vacation. A long vacation. But then there's the shih tzu factor. We can't really travel with a fifteen year old shih tzu who is on multiple medications, unless we take him with us. So that's not really possible. 

What about my weekends? That is hard. If I change too much, I end up exhausted. I have a performance in Burbank's Colony theater coming up and it's freaking me out because it's on a Sunday night. And I have to drive out for a rehearsal on an evening work night. So that's enough change there.

Maybe the trick is to try and make your brain capture moments. To be present. My husband suggested turning off our phones and the television. That could help. Maybe as a memoirist, and with this blog, I'm already recording it so maybe this whose entire question has already been answered.

That said, I'll end with a Bowie lyric. A funny one from his song titled "Time". The entire song is filled with witty bits of poetry, but I like this one, "Oh, well, I look at my watch, it says nine twenty-five/And I think "Oh God, I'm still alive.""

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