Panorama of San Bernardino

Sunday, February 4, 2024

The Doors

There is an old saying, that when one door closes another opens. I know it's a trite saying attributed to the man who invented the telephone. So I acknowledge the cliche, but it's true. 

Recently, I pulled back on a few boards deciding that I need to focus on my writing in my free time. After work, I was spending my evenings in non work related meetings, mostly on Zoom, and it was just too much. And a lot of my lunchtime too, forcing me to eat fast and ugly which I have begun to refrain from doing. 

Plus, have I ever told you that I abhor meetings? Truth be told, I am not my best self in them. I am a very efficient yet also very impatient person. I can barely handle waiting in line at the store. These traits don't transfer to chilling out in a meeting for two hours. I acknowledge in my work life, they're a necessary evil. But that's work, which pays the bills. 

(Note: This is different from my podcast which I do record virtually, but I consider it more of a performative conversation between two people. Thus, it's not a meeting, it's more of a meet up. And I love me a meetup.)

So I pulled back. Plus, I'm revving up in school trying to finish my MFA and I'd decided to take a Shakespeare course. It's a lot. In fact, it's 330 am on a Sunday and after I write this blog, I'm going to listen to a podcast about Twelfth Night and then we're on to Othello and Macbeth, and then King Lear.

I've also decided to finish my YA novel this year, a book tentatively titled "The Runaways" so I've got to get going on that. 

Plus, I love spending time with my husband. He really is so kind and loving. He's handy too (he just fixed our washer!) and a great cook. No one tells you when you decide to become a writer that balance will be the hardest part. You can't just write in your room all weekend, even though you may want to. You have to still live and love. So I do. I really do. 

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