Panorama of San Bernardino

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


To be or not to be. The choice is to be. You see, I've spent my entire life doing. Now I want to live on the narrow path of being (paraphrasing Eckhart Tolle here).

Meditation has helped me conquer my overactive mind. It still runs in circles at times. But when that happens, I breathe and focus on my body and it dissipates.

Pain has actually helped me to conquer some of my restlessness. Being forced to breathe and just lay, and relax, has been helpful. 

Creativity, at least for me, has always stemmed from somewhere deep in my soul. It always emerges and if I can capture it, and sit and write, it just comes out, almost fully formed. Why writing is my medium, I do not know, it just is.

I spent most of my life doing. Trying to get to this place or that place, figuratively and literally, for fifty years. But now, the thing I've realized, my epiphany for today, is that I am right where I need to be. 

That's not to say that goals are meaningless. They're important. But what I'm saying is that the striving, and the reaching and yearning always for more more more, that has gone away. I'm just happy to be. Right here and right now. Doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. 

Being me. Just me.

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