Panorama of San Bernardino

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Winter Wondering

It snowed yesterday. In North San Bernardino. Real snow. About half a foot.

It was stunningly beautiful. I took a deep breath and watched the flakes fall. I twirled.

It was unheard of. This has never happened since we moved in more than a decade ago. I don't remember it ever snowing as a kid either. The snow fell all across the North face of the Inland Empire. North Fontana and Rialto, Redlands and Upland too. 

It reminded me of my own journey. I've been a lot of things but never reached that high point I've always yearned for. That's not to say I haven't achieved a lot, because I have. But I'm talking about my biggest dream. To be a screenwriter and a movie maker. 

Since I was a kid, I loved movies. I mean I really loved movies just like my dad. Most weekends, we would go to the drive-in in Montclair to see a double feature and on the ride home, I would daydream. When I got home, I would snuggle into my twin bed like falling into a cloud and in my slumber, I imagined myself into the narratives. Then when dad bought a laser disc player, me and my sisters devoured movies along with popcorn at home. 

It might seem impossible. To go Hollywood. To try and reach the stars seems like pure folly. But I know that nothing is out of reach if you really work hard and believe.

If snow can carpet the ground in San Bernardino, and a high school dropout can go to USC Law and then write two books, then maybe, just maybe, miracles can happen. And my books can fly into the Hollywood universe by my own hand throwing them into the air like snowballs as hard and high as I can.


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