Panorama of San Bernardino

Friday, February 24, 2023

Band of misfits

So I've told you all about my next project. I'm adapting my two books into a show. I knew I wanted this before I ever finished my books. I naturally think in scene and dialogue. And secretly, I would love to bring my father back to life on the stage or screen.

What I didn't realize is how cool screenwriters are. I've been meeting some in a seminar one evening a week. It's fascinating. I've always been a bit "much", even in a group of writers. I can sometimes take over a room and have to pull back. That's because writers are not all extroverts like me. I get my energy and am inspired while in the presence of creative people. It's why I love doing my podcast. I shine best when around others shining. The positive energy polishes me like a gleaming teapot ready to heat up. 

In the screenwriters room, I am not too much at all. Screenwriters are group orientated. They work together in rooms. In teams. It's interactive. They brainstorm and bounce ideas off each other and practice together. It's collegial and fun. Colloquial. They are hyper verbal people and many are natural performers. And they're deep. Literary. Highly motivated. Super outgoing. It's not what I expected at all. 

I think I had stereotypes in my head of the superficiality in Hollywood, but this is not that. This is a bunch of artists striving to make their art sing. They want to sell it of course, because otherwise no one will ever really see it so they're pragmatic. But surprisingly, it's not about the product as much as I thought it would be. It's about the page. 

I've never felt so much at home. I see pieces of myself in everyone. And I'm really happy I found my people. My group. My band of misfits. 

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