Panorama of San Bernardino

Friday, February 17, 2023

Do You Believe In Magic?

There's a recent "This American Life" discussing whether life is math or magic. I definitely think life is magic. 

Yes, life is full of drudgery. Full of tasks. Things to do. 

But then, you walk outside and notice the sky. You wake up early and write a story. You attend a writing event and you can feel the magical spark in the community. You wake up at 4 am and hug your husband as he sleeps. And it feels like something special. 

There are just times you wake up and it feels like a day that something will happen. You get a coffee, sip it slowly and feel something profound and important. Like life is going to open up like a tulip. 

Of course, the older one gets, the harder it is to look at life this way. But I'm trying. I'm really trying to face the day with eagerness and anticipation. Like this morning, I have court all morning and a motion to write in the afternoon, and I still haven't unpacked my office (I moved to a new office on a new floor then moved back to my old office) and there's books and boxes everywhere. But I tell myself, it will get done. You always get it done. 

And what's really important and key is to grab the magical moments. When fairy dust is in the air, try to catch it. Try to breathe that air in. Deeply.

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