Panorama of San Bernardino

Sunday, December 17, 2023

The wind in the willows

The wind is whistling. It's shaking the trees this Sunday. I'm up early. Chewbacca woke me up this morning with his whining to go downstairs.

Everyone needs a room of their own and Adrian recently bought Chewie a playpen style crate and Chewie bounds downstairs and goes straight into it. He growls as he pummels his blanket and burrows into it. He's comfortable now and falls back asleep with a contented sigh.  

I think about how far my life has come along. I'm also in a very comfortable place. I have a YA novel and an adaptation of my memoir that I know I need to focus on, and I will, although with work and my other literary commitments, it's hard to find time. Maybe I am a bit complacent. There's not a lot of pressure on me except that I put on myself. I'm also focusing on time with my husband Adrian and being more present.

Even though it doesn't look like it, I'm just taking it kind of easy. And yes easy for me is working full-time, taking a class for my MFA, serving on a board and running a podcast. But I have pulled back on events and even withdrew from another board. I am also refining my podcast and streamlining it to make it more doable long term so I can continue to amplify voices yet also have time for my own writing.

My goal is to chill and not create chaos out of peace. There are times when I crave disorder. Turmoil feels more normal to me. But I am slowly learning to lean into the calm. The wind is nice at times. It clears the air. But it can also break you. 

So here's to the future and a new year. Cheers. 

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