Panorama of San Bernardino

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

People Are People (and more)

I had an epiphany today. Institutions, schools, and structures can't take care of people. People have to take care of people. 

What I mean by this is that our "systems" are just that. They're structures and they all have failings. Of course, some with more failings than most. But ultimately, what saves people from these system and their inequities and injustices are people. 

Today, one of my favorite clients is graduating my program. I was thinking about it this morning and got all teary eyed. I have my soft side and I'm so happy. Also, I know that it is because of people. It's because of a good judge, a fair prosecutor, and an amazingly hard working team of mental health professionals. And most of all it's because of my client's hard work and his family support. Everyone deserves a second chance. 

People don't do this kind of work for money. There's much more money to be made in the private sector. They do it because they want to, have to, make the world a better and kinder place. 

The only way you can do my job long term is to have an overwhelming and optimistic belief in redemption. I believe in people you see, and on days like today, I see why.

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