I'm writing this blog post in the car driving back from Vegas. Well, I'm not driving, Adrian is, but as Iggy wrote, I am the passenger.
We took the moms with us and we had a great time. Yet, I know I am not always my best self what with the dog and the moms, it's a lot at times. At breakfast, Chewie started barking uncontrollably which is odd for him. Then, all of a sudden, I got tingles and felt light headed like I was gonna pass out. I realized, I was having a panic attack.
I'm not asking for sympathy here, or even empathy, because look, I know I overwhelm myself with school, work, my writing, and the podcast along with everything else I'm responsible for.
I suppose I could take it easy and I wouldn't be spending the next three evenings writing a term paper on Hamlet and an insanity defense for school. I could spend my weekends organizing the house or laying by the pool or going to the beach instead of traveling to LA for writing events. Instead of working on my podcast, I could relax. But look, that's not me.
So tingles or no tingles, I'm just gonna keep on going. I love it you see. It makes me happy to do all these things. I'll just take a deep breath and another and another until the tingles subside.