Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Breaking glass

I have a story about my job called "breaking glass". Now I have another. This one about my mom.

It's been a helluva week. We went to the San Diego Zoo with my sister Roberta who was down from Kansas City. Then we hung out in Palm Springs at my twin sisters' house. Then my mom fell.

Her face hit her glass oven door. My mom says she tripped. Funny thing is, I had just dropped her off and walked her upstairs. Then, I went to the store with Adrian. When we got home, Adrian said, "I have a missed call from your mom." I looked at my phone and saw at least ten missed calls and a text from my mom, "Fell. Ambulance here. Going to Kaiser."

Life can change in an instant. An ordinary instant as Joan Didion would say. 

I won't go into the details, that's for a longer story and a different day, but my mom is okay aside from a broken nose, a few gashes and stitches and two black eyes. We are really lucky. She could have broken her neck. 

I suppose my point is that you never know what can happen. You can be sitting in the sun relaxing, with your eyes closed, and a house can drop on you. A tornado can hit. Your world can be turned upside down and go all topsy turvey. 

None of the bullshit matters. It's just there to distract us. So seize the day and live your dreams. Chase your rainbows. Live life as if there is no tomorrow. Today is all we have. This moment. Now. 

That's all. Talk to you later. 

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