Thursday, May 9, 2024


So yesterday was a rough day at work. Yet it was exhilarating too. But it was exhausting and by that I mean, come home at 6:30 pm and take advil and go straight to bed exhausting. I fought and won a couple of big issues, yes, but that wasn't what was tiring. What made me some damn fatigued at the end of the day was all of the energy it took from me. It drained me like a vampire. I felt like I gave at least 5 pints of my blood.

I had more difficult (and patience requiring) cases in one day than I've had in years. It was a perfect storm of events. But the good news is, I wasn't alone. I had so much help and so many offers of help. It was nice. 

At the end of my work day, which just kept on going and going, I swear the universe wouldn't let me leave the office, I sighed. I thought, I still got it. Now I just need to replenish my energies because tomorrow is a new day. I can continue to fight the good fight. And win. 

By the way, every morning, I think, here comes the sun.

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