Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The girl is chasing windmills...

My next goal, after I recover 100 percent, is to get my books to the silver screen as well as to the stage. Some days, I sit and daydream of it happening. I can see myself in the theater in the front row, incognito by virtue of being a mere writer. No one knows what Jenny looks like now.

People may think it's weird, odd, or even "crazy" to daydream like this. Or night dream. But dreaming is what got me to my writing career. Although career is a somewhat congratulatory and inaccurate term as typically one makes money from their career. Yet, I have to say that, until recently, I never needed my writing to make money.

But now, well now, I do. I need the freedom money brings. I need the freedom to chase my dreams. I need to see the culmination of it all, which I think will be seeing my book translated as a film.

You see, I've always seen my memoir "Tales of an Inland Empire Girl" as a film cinematically in my head. Music soundtrack included of course. In my mind's eye, I see it, I do. 

Now I know that my book doesn't have much action or even plot, but I can fix that in the adaptation. Plus, some of my favorite movies like "The World According to Garp", "The Squid & the Whale", "The Glass Castle" and even, the very recent, "The Tender Bar", all of which are based on books or true life, are not action or plot driven necessarily, but character driven. 

So call me Ishmael. Call me a fool. Call me whatever you want because maybe I am chasing at windmills. But maybe, just maybe, these windmills are not imaginary but real and attainable. At least in my head.

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