These new puppies have took my love and as Stevie Nicks sang, they took it down. It's like being covered in snowy love. I'm enveloped. I'm happy. Truly happy. And I'm getting older. They will get older too.
I watch them play. They zoom around the house. I get down on their level and kiss their tiny faces. They have each other. And me. And Adrian. And more.
Even in the darkest of times, there's joy and there's light. As the Beatles sang, "Om/Nothing's gonna change my world."
That's not to say to bury one's head in the sand. You must be cognizant of what is going on around you, across the universe. But it doesn't have to destroy you. We only have so much control. And I choose love. And I choose joy. I choose community and acceptance and equality.
Those who choose otherwise are operating out of fear. Fear never wins. Courage does. So be brave my friends. Be who you are. Always.
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